Today, January 3, 2025, I finished writing my book Huns and Slavs. (May take a minute or so to load.)
Coming next… Isaac Abulafia : Refugee of the Damascus Affair
Isaac Abulafia, my fourth great-grandfather, at the age of twelve, was a refugee of the infamous Damascus Affair, or Blood Libel, of 1840. This is the story of that tragedy, and of his escape from sinister men accusing the Damascene Jews of murder, and torturing them and kidnapping their children.
The Facebook page JOSEPH AMYOT PADJAN, which I created on 17 March 2015, and which currently has 211,000 followers, was hijacked from me by a thief in Pakistan in June 2024. I no longer have any control over the content of that page at all. The thief is pretending to be me. If you follow that page, I recommend that you unfollow it.
The Padjanaks
[This book will be updated soon.] In this book I demonstrate that the Padjanaks, whatever the spelling of the name (Badjanaks, Patzinaks, Pechenegs, etc.), were, in the main, Huns, but were known as White Huns, and that the Padjanaks were, in fact, the Kushans.
“V.G. Vasilievsky, who was the first among historians to make clear the historical significance of the Patzinaks [Padjanaks], wrote in 1872 concerning their advance into Byzantine territory: ‘This event, which has escaped the attention of all modern historical works, had enormous significance for the history of humanity. In its consequences it was almost as important as the crossing of the Danube by the western Goths, which initiated the so-called migration of nations.’” — Alexander A. Vasiliev (May take a minute or so to load.)
The Kangar
[This book will be updated soon.] This book is not about the dagger, or short sword, called khangar, or khanjar, a choice weapon for many men throughout the ages, but about the ancient tribe or people whose name for themselves – Kangar – means sword- or dagger-bearer, and became the name for the dagger itself. That is to say, the name of the dagger, wherever the khangar or khanjar or handžar is used, whether in Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, or India, comes from the name of the people – the Kangar. The Kangar were, or rather are, aborigines of India, and they are one of the most ancient peoples in the world, with a history spanning many thousands of years and involving numerous countries. Of all the Kangar, the most well known lived in southern Mesopotamia in antiquity. We call them Sumerians.
This book is, in the main, not a history proper, but an argument, or series of arguments, intended to demonstrate, in so far as it is possible, that the Sumerians were, in fact, the Kangar. (May take a minute or so to load.)
Synopsis of The Kangar
Synopsis of The Padjanaks
The Tuscan Origin of the Geraldines
[This paper will be updated soon.] Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana were all descendants of Gerald de Windsor and Princess Nest of Wales. For hundreds of years the origin of the ancestors of Gerald de Windsor has been debated, with some arguing that his ancestors were Anglo-Normans, and others arguing that they were originally from Florence, Tuscany, and were Italian. This paper makes sense out of the confusion created by all the others who wrote on the subject of the ancestry of the Geraldines, and answers the question of their origin.
If the citation of this paper in the Wikipedia article on Gerald de Windsor brought you here [Joseph Amyot Padjan (2015). The Tuscan Origin of the Geraldines (PDF). p. 51. Retrieved 29 September 2022], see page 43 for the reference instead of page 51. (May take a minute or so to load.)
Symphorose Ouaouagoukoué and The Origin of the Illini
[This paper will be updated soon.] In this paper I show that the Illini tribe and other Algonquian tribes were and are of Malay-Polynesian origin, as was, as I show, Symphorose Ouaouagoukoué. This paper includes the DNA test results of Anne A. Lohman (née Raymond), descendant of Symphorose Ouaouagoukoué, as well as complete documentation of her descent from Symphorose.
Philippe Amyot
[This paper will be updated soon.] This paper discusses at length the ancestry of Philippe Amyot, husband of Anne Couvent. The purpose of this paper is, in the main, to answer the question of what Amyot family in France Philippe Amyot was a member, and of who the parents of Philippe Amyot were. Also, by showing all the original documents that show the descent of my family and me from Philippe Amyot, and particularly that of my uncle Robert Amiot, my mother’s brother, who has had his DNA tested and his Y-DNA haplogroup assigned by FamilyTree DNA, I have definitively established the Y-DNA haplogroup of Philippe Amyot.